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Apollo 17: experience LEAM - The Lunar Ejecta and Meteorite (LEAM) experiment - Apollo 17...

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Apollo 17: experience LEAM - The Lunar Ejecta and Meteorite (LEAM) experiment - Apollo 17 - LEAM (white box in the foreground) is the acronym for Lunar Ejecta And Meteorites; this instrument was installed by astronauts of the Apollo 17 mission to study dust ejected by meteorite impacts on the surface of the Moon. The Lunar Ejecta and Meteorite (LEAM) instrument as deployed at the Apollo 17 ALSEP site. The central station is directly behind it, the RTG to the right of that, and the Lunar Surface Gravimeter (LSG) to the left of the central station. Discarded pallets and trash are also visible. The North Massif dominates the right side of the picture. The objectives of the LEAM experiment were to detect secondary particles that had been ejected by meteorite impacts on the lunar surface and to detect primary micrometeorites themselves. The 3 classes of particles encountered by the LEAM included lunar ejecta, interstellar grains, and cometary debris, all of which can be considered under the title of cosmic dust. The experiment measures particle speed, radiant direction, particle momentum, and particle kinetic energy. The particle detectors of the instrument were multi - layered arrays that were capable of measuring the velocity and energy of incident particles. It consisted of 3 sensors - East, West, and Up. It stood on 4 legs and was connected to the ALSEP central station by a cable. 11 Dec 1972
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Apollo 17: experience LEAM - The Lunar Ejecta and Meteorite (LEAM) experiment - Apollo 17 - LEAM (white box in the foreground) is the acronym for Lunar Ejecta And Meteorites; this instrument was installed by astronauts of the Apollo 17 mission to study dust ejected by meteorite impacts on the surface of the Moon. The Lunar Ejecta and Meteorite (LEAM) instrument as deployed at the Apollo 17 ALSEP site. The central station is directly behind it, the RTG to the right of that, and the Lunar Surface Gravimeter (LSG) to the left of the central station. Discarded pallets and trash are also visible. The North Massif dominates the right side of the picture. The objectives of the LEAM experiment were to detect secondary particles that had been ejected by meteorite impacts on the lunar surface and to detect primary micrometeorites themselves. The 3 classes of particles encountered by the LEAM included lunar ejecta, interstellar grains, and cometary debris, all of which can be considered under the title of cosmic dust. The experiment measures particle speed, radiant direction, particle momentum, and particle kinetic energy. The particle detectors of the instrument were multi - layered arrays that were capable of measuring the velocity and energy of incident particles. It consisted of 3 sensors - East, West, and Up. It stood on 4 legs and was connected to the ALSEP central station by a cable. 11 Dec 1972

Photo credit
Photo © NASA/Novapix / Bridgeman Images
Image keywords
moon / ground / blank / impact / scientific instrument / dust / apollo / 1972 / apollo 17 / experience / meteor / Novapix / Moon Ground / lunar surface / soil / space / scientific instrument / meteorite / dust / experiment / Lunar Dust / Moon Dust / Alsep

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