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Galaxy NGC 4650A in Centaurus - Galaxy NGC 4650A in Centaurus - The polar ring...

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Galaxy NGC 4650A in Centaurus - Galaxy NGC 4650A in Centaurus - The polar ring galaxy NGC 4650A is located about 130 million years away from Earth. The host galaxy is surrounded by a polar ring shaped like gas and stars. This type of galaxy is rarely observed. This image was obtained by the ANTU telescope of the VLT in 1998. This is a colour photo from the VLT that shows NGC 4650A, a member of the so - called Centaurus chain of galaxies in the southern constellation of that name. NGC 4650A is a complex system that is located at a distance of about 130 million light - years. There are two main components, a lenticular - shaped galaxy (of type S0), surrounded by a knotty extended ring - like distribution of stars, dust and gas, almost perpendicular to each other. The stars in the central, structureless region and the material (stars, gas, and dust) in the outer disk rotate in two different planes that are almost perpendicular to each other. The observed motions indicate the presence of a significant halo of dark matter within the system, although it is still unclear to which of the two components this matter belongs. Because the velocities of stars and gas can be measured in two independent planes, NGC 4650A serves as a prototype for detailed studies of the shape of dark matter halos. The origin of this strange spatial configuration is not known with certainty. It is likely, however, that an encounter between two galaxies may have played a significant role. The photo is based on a series of seven exposures through three different optical filters, obtained under mediocre observing conditions during a small break in the technical work. They have been combined to produce the present photo
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Galaxy NGC 4650A in Centaurus - Galaxy NGC 4650A in Centaurus - The polar ring galaxy NGC 4650A is located about 130 million years away from Earth. The host galaxy is surrounded by a polar ring shaped like gas and stars. This type of galaxy is rarely observed. This image was obtained by the ANTU telescope of the VLT in 1998. This is a colour photo from the VLT that shows NGC 4650A, a member of the so - called Centaurus chain of galaxies in the southern constellation of that name. NGC 4650A is a complex system that is located at a distance of about 130 million light - years. There are two main components, a lenticular - shaped galaxy (of type S0), surrounded by a knotty extended ring - like distribution of stars, dust and gas, almost perpendicular to each other. The stars in the central, structureless region and the material (stars, gas, and dust) in the outer disk rotate in two different planes that are almost perpendicular to each other. The observed motions indicate the presence of a significant halo of dark matter within the system, although it is still unclear to which of the two components this matter belongs. Because the velocities of stars and gas can be measured in two independent planes, NGC 4650A serves as a prototype for detailed studies of the shape of dark matter halos. The origin of this strange spatial configuration is not known with certainty. It is likely, however, that an encounter between two galaxies may have played a significant role. The photo is based on a series of seven exposures through three different optical filters, obtained under mediocre observing conditions during a small break in the technical work. They have been combined to produce the present photo

Photo credit
Photo © ESO/Novapix / Bridgeman Images
Image keywords
astronomy / star / centaur / astronomy / galaxy / spiral galaxy / centaurus / antu / vlt / 1998 / star / Novapix / astronomy / South Hemisphere / southern hemisphere / galaxy / Galaxy Spiral / very large telescope / Fleece Ring Galaxy / Polar Ring Galaxy

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Large 2160 × 2472 px 183 × 209 mm 215 KB
Medium 895 × 1024 px 76 × 87 mm 286 KB

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